Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Reflection: History

In History, we are starting a big unit on WWII. We have learned about how throughout history, few people have had the power to control their fellow man. But out of those people, who were right-brain and who were left-brain? This is not our question, but it brings up an interesting point. The leaders of anything in the world, from nations to city councils to soccer teams, have possessed the abilities to command the people around them. But are those abilities right-brained or left-brained? Some would say you have to be left-brained: analytical, sequential, logical. This thinking will get you through life and help you suceed. There are others who say the leader should be right-brained: artistic, contextual, empathetic. Both groups of people might be telling the truth, but in fact you need to be both right and left brained. Thomas Edison may have invented the light bulb, but would he have been able to create the New Deal? Probably not. But the same goes to FDR: he got us out of the Depression, but would he have been willing to try over 1,000 tines to create the light bulb? Probably not. Both of these things changed history, and both were done a different way (Edisons was Left, FDR's was Right, in my opinion). You need to have the logical, pattern forming ways of the Left side along with the creative Right to rule your people successfully. In WWII, during battle, the commanders had to be creative enough to out-do the enemy, yet have enough logic to defeat with minimum casualties. In summary, everyone, even leaders, need both sides of their brains to survive and lead their people.

And the quote of the post is:

I just wanted to say that the women in this office are terrible.
- Dwight from The Office


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