Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Daniel Pink Video

So I watched a video in class today in which Daniel Pink, author of A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule The Future. It was basically him giving a summary of his best-selling book. In his book he talks about when the left-brained- which is the sequential, textual, analytical side -was the ruler of the business world. But he points out how now there is a shift towards the right-brained- or the simultaneous, contextual, big picture viewing side - in the land of business.

My reaction to this video was mixed. I wondered why he would say all this because it's just what he says in his book. But what outweighed that was how smart his thinking is. He shows how those left-brained jobs are being off-shored. It is easy to do that to left-brainers, but not to right-brainers. I happen to be one of those right-brained people, being very musical. I am happy to hear when I'm older it will be harder to outsource my job to India or anywhere else in Asia, which happens to be one of his causes of outsourcing. My class and I didn't finish the video so we are going to conclude it tomorrow. I will have more of an reaction after viewing the whole thing. I have including a short intro to the video (courtesy of YouTube) in which you can go and see. And finally, my quote of the post:

Everything passes. Everything changes. Just do what you think you should do.
-Bob Dylan

Peace to you,


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