Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Reflection: The Arts

This reflection is about, you guessed it, the Arts. I'm going to focus on the musical part of the Arts, mainly orchestra. This is mainly because I am writing my WRP (Wikified Research Paper) on Symphony, one of Dan Pink's six senses, and because I play in an orchestra: one in school, and one outside of school. I play the violin, but also bass guitar, guitar, mandolin, djembe (, piano, learning drums and a few others. This happens to be the same model Djembe I have (left)

I think music is the greatest ever, and I hope it will be my career. My thesis for the WRP goes as follows:

In Daniel Pink's A Whole New Mind, his definition of symphony, together with his ideas on how a symphony orchestra's components and functions are important in order to be successful, is accurate because of the Human Element in life, the innovation and improvement factor, and because of how music will be a strong, guiding hand in essentially all life and work in the 21st century

So here's what that said: Dan Pink defined symphony correctly. He also believes symphony will help in the future. My orchestra class is even helping me now. Even with Daniel Pink's stellar definition, there are more parts to it. He forgot about the Human Element (from DOW's "Human Element TV ads), the Innovation factor (or the human mindset to improve what is around them) and, basically, music in general. It is my opinion that music will help a lot in the future. That is why the arts, whether it's music or not, is very inmportant in school.